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Chemical Structure Cat. No. Product Name CAS No.
AST5902 mesylate Chemical Structure
BCP49683 AST5902 mesylate 2412155-75-8
AST5902 mesylate is principal metabolite of Alflutinib in vivo.
Befotertinib Chemical Structure
BCP49575 Befotertinib 1835667-63-4
Befotertinib is the third-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Befotertinib can be used for the research of EGFR T790M-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
EMI1 Chemical Structure
BCP49115 EMI1 35773-42-3
EMI1 is an EGFR ex19del/T790M/C797S and EGFR L858R/T790M/C797S inhibitor. EMI1 can be used for the research of mutant EGFR-associated, drug-resistant non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Tyrphostin AG 835 Chemical Structure
BCP24136 Tyrphostin AG 835 133550-37-5
Tyrphostin AG 835 is an EGRF inhibitor with antitumor activities.
PD 161570 Chemical Structure
BCP24138 PD 161570 192705-80-9
PD-161570 is a potent and ATP-competitive human FGF-1 receptor inhibitor with an IC50 of 39.9 nM and a Ki of 42 nM. PD-161570 also inhibits the PDGFR, EGFR and c-Src tyrosine kinases with IC50 values of 310 nM, 240 nM, and 44 nM, respectively. PD-161570 inhibits PDGF-stimulated autophosphorylation and FGF-1 receptor phosphorylation with IC50s of 450 nM and 622 nM, respectively. PD-161570 is also a bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and TGF-β signaling inhibitor.
Tyrphostin RG 13022 Chemical Structure
BCP24139 Tyrphostin RG 13022 136831-48-6
RG 13022 is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that selectively inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor, epidermal factor-stimulated HER14 cell proliferation, and tumor growth in vivo.
Tyrphostin AG 555 Chemical Structure
BCP25507 Tyrphostin AG 555 133550-34-2
AG555 is a potent epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase inhibitor.
BLU-945 Chemical Structure
BCP45854 BLU-945 2660250-10-0
BLU-945 is designed to target and selectively inhibit the EGFR T790M/C797S and T790M resistant mutations.
Lapatinib ditosylate Chemical Structure
BCP47521 Lapatinib ditosylate 388082-77-7
Lapatinib Ditosylate is the ditosylate salt of lapatinib, a synthetic, orally-active quinazoline with potential antineoplastic activity. Lapatinib reversibly blocks phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), ErbB2, and the Erk-1 and-2 and AKT kinases; it also inhibits cyclin D protein levels in human tumor cell lines and xenografts. EGFR and ErbB2 have been implicated in the growth of various tumor types.
Sunvozertinib Chemical Structure
BCP46584 Sunvozertinib 2370013-12-8
Sunvozertinib, also known as DZD9008, is an oral, potent, irreversible, and selective EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Sunvozertinib shows activity against EGFRexon20ins and other mutations. In both cell lines and xenograft models, sunvozertinib shows potent antitumor activity. In the two ongoing phase I clinical studies, sunvozertinib was tolerated up to 400 mg once daily.
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