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  • Apoptosis Pathway

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Chemical Structure Cat. No. Product Name CAS No.
Glycochenodeoxycholic acid Chemical Structure
BCP49686 Glycochenodeoxycholic acid 640-79-9
Glycochenodeoxycholic acid is a bile acid glycine conjugate having 3alpha,7alpha-dihydroxy-5beta-cholan-24-oyl as the bile acid component. It has a role as a human metabolite. It is functionally related to a chenodeoxycholic acid. It is a conjugate acid of a glycochenodeoxycholate.
AVN-944 Chemical Structure
BCP23877 AVN-944 297730-17-7
AVN944 is a biotech drug that demonstrated a statistically meaningful impact on IMPDH and other proteins that are critical to activities in cancer cells, including nucleotide biosynthesis, energy and metabolism, DNA replication, apoptosis and cell cycle control. AVN944 has been associated with cancer cell death in clinical trials. It is being investigated for the treatment of patients with advanced hematologic malignancies.
Z-DQMD-FMK Chemical Structure
BCP24322 Z-DQMD-FMK 767287-99-0
Caspase-3 inhibitor. Inhibits MG 132-induced small cell lung cancer cell death in vitro.
Z-VAD(OH)-FMK Chemical Structure
BCP47286 Z-VAD(OH)-FMK 161401-82-7
Z-VAD(OH)-FMK is an irreversible pan-caspase inhibitor.
Adaphostin Chemical Structure
BCP43795 Adaphostin 241127-58-2
Adaphostin is a novel activator of Fas-mediated death pathway in Bcr/Abl-positive leukaemia.
Ac-FLTD-CMK Chemical Structure
BCP43135 Ac-FLTD-CMK 2376255-48-8
Ac-FLTD-CMK, a gasdermin D (GSDMD)-derived inhibitor, is a specific inflammatory caspases inhibitor.
Z-Tyr-Val-Ala-DL-Asp-fluoromethylketone Chemical Structure
BCP42808 Z-Tyr-Val-Ala-DL-Asp-fluoromethylketone 1926163-56-5
KEA1-97 Chemical Structure
BCP42477 KEA1-97 2138882-71-8
KEA1-97 is a small molecule that disrupts the interaction of thioredoxin with caspase 3.
CASP3 Activator-1541 Chemical Structure
BCP41874 CASP3 Activator-1541 1100353-03-4
CASP3 Activator 1541 is an activator of the proenzyme forms of caspase-3, and induces cell death.
Ac-YVAD-CMK Chemical Structure
BCP37297 Ac-YVAD-CMK 178603-78-6
Ac-YVAD-CMK is a selective, irreversible inhibitor of interleukin-1β converting enzyme (ICE; Caspase-1).
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