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Angiogenesis/Protein Tyrosine Kinase

Chemical Structure Cat. No. Product Name CAS No.
AST5902 mesylate Chemical Structure
BCP49683 AST5902 mesylate 2412155-75-8
AST5902 mesylate is principal metabolite of Alflutinib in vivo.
Sunitinib Chemical Structure
BCP02336 Sunitinib 557795-19-4
Sunitinib is a multi-targeted RTK inhibitor targeting VEGFR2 (Flk-1) and PDGFRβ with IC50 of 80 nM and 2 nM, and also inhibits c-Kit.
QL-1200186 Chemical Structure
BCP49631 QL-1200186 2848664-42-4
QL-1200186 is an orally active and selective TYK2 inhibitor.
Befotertinib Chemical Structure
BCP49575 Befotertinib 1835667-63-4
Befotertinib is the third-generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Befotertinib can be used for the research of EGFR T790M-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Efruxifermin Chemical Structure
BCP49432 Efruxifermin 2375240-92-7
Efruxifermin is an Fc-FGF21 fusion protein (human IgG1 Fc domain linked to a modified human FGF21).
OPT-302 Chemical Structure
BCP49401 OPT-302 OPT-302
OPT-302 is a novel inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C and VEGF-D.
Batiraxcept Chemical Structure
BCP49357 Batiraxcept 2268717-61-7
Batiraxcept is an ultra-high affinity decoy protein that captures GAS6, preventing it from activating AXL signaling.
APS-03118 Chemical Structure
BCP49314 APS-03118 APS-03118
APS03118 is a novel next-generation RET inhibitor which is potent against a range of RET fusions and mutations including both SFMs and gatekeeper mutations.
BCX-9250 Chemical Structure
BCP49293 BCX-9250 BCX-9250
BCX 9250, is an orally administered, small molecule, inhibitor of activin receptor-like kinase-2 (ALK2).
Certepetide Chemical Structure
BCP49241 Certepetide 2580154-02-3
Certepetide is a bifunctional cyclic peptide (a.k.a. iRGD).
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