
  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 129580-63-8 Cat. No. BCP14387
Name Satraplatin
Synonyms BMS182751; BMS 182751; BMS-182751; JM 216; JM-216; JM216; BMY45594; POplat;
Formula C10H22Cl2N2O4Pt M. Wt 500.28
  • Biological Activity
Description Satraplatin is the first orally active platinum-based chemotherapeutic drug. Other available platinum analogues—cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin—must be given intravenously. It is made available in the United States jointly by Spectrum Pharmaceuticals and GPC Biotech under the name SPERA (SatraPlatin Expanded Rapid Access). The drug has also been used in the treatment of lung and ovarian cancers. The proposed mode of action is that the compound binds to the DNA of cancer cells rendering them incapable of dividing.
Pathways Cell Cycle/DNA Damage 
Targets DNA Alkylator/Crosslinker 


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