YM 90709

  • Chemical Properties
CAS No. 163769-88-8 Cat. No. BCP17183
Name YM 90709
Synonyms YM90709;YM-90709;
Formula C22H21N3O2 M. Wt 359.42
  • Biological Activity
Description in vitro: YM-90709 potently inhibits the binding of 100 pM [125I]-IL-5 to IL-5R on human peripheral eosinophils and eosinophilic HL-60 clone 15 cells with IC50 values of 1.0±0.40 and 0.57±0.21 μM, respectively. YM-90709 inhibits the 4 pM IL-5-induced effect in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 0.45±0.024 μM. YM-90709 also inhibits the higher concentrations (12 and 40 pM) of IL-5-induced effects with IC50 values of 0.89±029 and 1.0±0.22 μM, respectively.YM-90709 is a novel interleukin-5 receptor antagonist, YM-90709 inhibits antigen-induced eosinophil recruitment into the airway, the same as anti-IL-5 mAb does. YM-90709 inhibits the binding of IL-5 to IL-5R on human eosinophils, but did not inhibit the binding of GM-CSF to GM-CSFR. In addition, YM-90709 inhibits IL-5-induced, but not GM-CSF-induced, eosinophil survival as well as the tyrosine phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2. in vivo: YM-90709 suppresses antigen-induced airway inflammation in Brown Norway rats . YM
Pathways Others Pathway 
Targets Interleukin Related 


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